Excitebike iphone
Excitebike iphone

excitebike iphone

Hope that helps! Lots of words and just my opinion on the game (Imm3/Radiant ranked player with very little organized experience).Įxactly what I touched on except with more Sophisticated English. Fracture is like 4 mids, so requires a different thought process.

excitebike iphone

Haven’s mid is just B site, but there’s also garage control and the second route to C to consider. They each have at least one site with a single entrance where mid control opens up new routes and defending utility can get spread thin trying to handle the pressure.īind has no mid to control. Other maps with important mid control, in my opinion, are Breeze, Icebox, and Ascent.

excitebike iphone

Also a late ropes player holding mid control makes the fast rotation very risky and has good second or third contact on the post-plant (or a timing to shut down the retake entirely by retaking heaven). Retaking A without control over heaven is extremely uncomfortable. Heaven control on A doesn’t present so many favorable angles on the site, but does reward a strong post-plant position. The new route to A through ropes provides a second route to A Heaven with good timing opportunities, especially on any defenders holding ramp aggressively. With both deep heaven and mid control, rotations are very difficult or very long through B main. Deeper control can cut off rotations through spawn. The new route to B through B Heaven provides attackers high ground on the site with favorable angles on entrenched defenders. On Split, mid control opens two very important routes and creates a lot of pressure. Getting this utility out sooner by consistently showing mid presence in your default will give you more time to worth with and leave defenders with less utility to stop the eventual site hit. Time and lack of utility will force defenders to give up mid eventually. Utility is balanced such that you can’t lock down one area of the map forever, even if you devote all of your utility to one area. In more disciplined play, losing mid control may be enough for defenders to simply call to play retake. A single opening kill or trade can open a site very easily in these situations. This often creates a situation where there are not enough defenders to effectively cover all the routes. Generally, claiming mid control creates pressure on defending teams by opening up new routes to sites.


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excitebike iphone

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Excitebike iphone